Swift DynamicJSON is a framework for representing, validating, querying, and manipulating generic JSON values in Swift. Supported are standards such as JSON Pointer (RFC 6901), JSON Path (RFC 9535), JSON Patch (RFC 6902), JSON Merge Patch (RFC 7396), and JSON Schema.

Swift CLFormat is a framework implementing Common Lisp's format procedure in Swift. format produces formatted text using a format string similar to printf. The formatting formalism is significantly more expressive though. It supports displaying numbers in many formats, applying conditional formatting, outputting text in tabular format, iterating over data structures, and even applying format recursively to handle data that includes their own formatting strings.

LispPad Go is a simple, lightweight, integrated development environment for developing and running Scheme code on iOS and iPadOS. Just like its macOS counterpart, LispPad Go utilizes LispKit for implementing its interpreter. It provides a fully integrated R7RS-compliant Scheme interpreter, a console with a mobile read-eval-print loop, a text editor supporting syntax highlighting, smart indentation, parenthesis matching, etc.. and numerous libraries.

SQLiteExpress is a Swift library implementing a lightweight wrapper for the C API of SQLite3 on macOS and iOS. SQLiteExpress provides an object-oriented data model and a clear separation of errors from results and side effects, consistently using Swift programming paradigms. SQLiteEpress maintains the programming protocol of the C API and does not provide any help in crafting SQL statements, e.g. in a type-safe manner.

Swift MarkdownKit is a framework for parsing text in Markdown format. The supported syntax is based on the CommonMark Markdown specification. Swift MarkdownKit defines an abstract syntax for Markdown, it provides a parser for parsing strings into abstract syntax trees, and comes with generators for creating HTML and attributed strings.

Swift CommandLineKit is a framework supporting the development of command-line tools in Swift on macOS and Linux. The framework supports managing command-line arguments, provides lightweight functions to deal with escape sequences, and defines an API for reading strings from the terminal.

LispPad is a simple, lightweight, integrated development environment for developing and running Scheme code on macOS. LispPad utilizes LispKit for implementing its interpreter. It provides a fully integrated R7RS-compliant Scheme interpreter, a console with a read-eval-print loop, and a text editor supporting syntax highlighting, smart indentation, parenthesis matching, page guides, etc.

LispKit is is a framework for building Lisp-based extension and scripting languages for macOS applications. LispKit is fully implemented in the programming language Swift. LispKit implements a core language based on the R7RS (small) Scheme standard. It is extensible, allowing the inclusion of new native libraries, of new libraries written in Scheme, as well as custom modifications of the core environment consisting of a compiler, a virtual machine as well as core libraries.

NumberKit is a macOS framework implementing advanced numeric data types for the Swift programming language. The current version implements three new numeric types: